Cooee – Virtual Aussie Mobile Number App

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Delete Account

Tickets > Delete Account

Once your account is deleted, it becomes inaccessible to you and others. You won’t be able to access your event history, and this action also impacts related features and services associated with your email address.

To permanently delete your Cooee account:

  1. Visit the CallCooee website or open the Cooee App on your phone.
  2. Sign-in to the account you wish to close.
  3. For Web: Navigate to the “Delete Account” option in the sidebar menu (right above the “logout” menu).
  4. For AppGo to Settings > Delete Account.
  5. Confirm the deletion by clicking on “Yes.”

Note: Deleting your account renders it unrecoverable for you and others, and it cannot be restored. If you decide to use Cooee again in the future, you must register a new account.


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